Friday, September 5, 2014

Why diversify your musical portfolio?

  Today I'd like to talk about the benefits of not only listening to different types of music, but also trying to make it.

Imagine if you lived in a world where all you could eat was food from your area. Just think of how boring that would be and how quickly you'd get sick of the same 4 or 5 foods. 

Most people understand expanding their taste pallet, but won't try the same thing when it comes to music. Although there are people who listen to different types of music, there aren't many people who try to make different types of music. I'll list some reasons to try making different types of music.

1). The more types you can make the more work you can get.

2).  99% of creativity is combining different things together. The more you know the more combinations.

3).  You can play with more people.

4). What you learn from one type of music can be carried over to another.

5).  It's fun to learn new things.

I know this was a short post, but next time I'll talk about the how part of learning new styles of music.

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